Message from our Executive Director, regarding the Orlando shootings.

To our friends, staff and volunteers, and to the community we serve, We are deeply saddened by the loss of life and harm caused to our LBGTQ brothers and sisters in Orlando. Like many of you, we are experiencing waves of conflicting emotions in our effort to make sense of this brutal tragedy. We want you to know that our organization is one of love and tolerance and that we are here for you. 

Our staff, as well as counselors that we have reached out to, will be available to assist you through processing your grief about this horrific event and to address any fears that you may have with regard to your own personal safety and wellbeing. We are also able to offer space and facilitation for those who want to participate in small group therapy sessions or in peer support groups. 

Please contact Carol Giles, Director of Client Services at 439-5861 for more information. 

Prayers that love and peace will win in the end. 


Southwest Louisiana AIDS Council                   425 Kingsley St. Lake Charles, LA 70601             337.439.5861